Cook County Invites Residents to Participate in Hazard Mitigation Planning Process

Cook County’s Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security (EMRS) invites the public to participate in the 2024 Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) update process, which is undergoing a mandatory five-year update.

Cook County is committed to improving its emergency preparedness and mitigation capabilities, and this can only be done by involving the community in its efforts. Cook County experienced two major Presidential disaster declarations in 2023 due to natural hazards which underscores the need for this important work. There are two ways for the public to participate in this plan update.

Those who live or work in Cook County are encouraged to share their experiences, knowledge and concerns about local natural hazards, like severe storms, flooding and tornadoes, by participating in a community preparedness survey. To complete the confidential 10-minute survey, please visit:

The survey will remain open until May 31, 2024. The information provided in Cook County’s community preparedness survey will help the County and local communities create strategies and implement actions to reduce the future risk of death, injuries and property damage from natural hazards.

Cook County is also hosting three public information and planning sessions to gather input from Cook County residents regarding potential emergencies and disasters that could impact the County. The public meetings will be held:

Monday, May 6, 2024
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Lester L. Long Fieldhouse - Ember Room
14700 Evers St.
Dolton, IL 60419

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Skokie Public Library
5215 Oakton St.
Skokie, IL 60077

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Melrose Park Senior Building
900 N. 25th St.
Melrose Park, IL 60160

The County’s HMP is designed to help communities reduce the impact of natural hazards. The public meetings will assist the County in identifying and prioritizing the services, disaster-related projects and capabilities the community may need during an emergency.

The federal government requires local and state governments to have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan as established by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 to qualify for Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) funding. These programs are critical sources of federal funding, especially for a community that wants to proactively initiate mitigation projects or for a community that needs Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding following a presidential disaster declaration.

For more information about the Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, visit: